Hidden History of the Human Race: The Condensed Edition of Forbidden Archeology (New of of)


Subject: Archaeology / Anthropology

Author: Thompson, Richard L

Publisher: Bhaktivedanta Book Trust

Date Published: 01-1999

ISBN: 0892133252 | EAN: 9780892133253

BasicBinding: Hardcover

Features: Illustrated, Bibliography, Index, Price on Product, Abridged | Pages: 322

Annotation: A condensed version of "Forbidden Archeology, Hidden History" documents major cover-ups of human evolution, origins, and history. 45 line drawings. 23 illustrations. 8 tables.

A condensed version of "Forbidden Archeology, Hidden History" documents major cover-ups of human evolution, origins, and history. 45 line drawings. 23 illustrations. 8 tables.

Subject: Archaeology / Anthropology
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