Women's Sport and Spectacle: Gendered Television Coverage and the Olympic Games


Subject: Pop Arts / Pop Culture

Author: Daddario, Gina

Publisher: Praeger

Date Published: 05-1998

ISBN: 0275958566 | EAN: 9780275958565

BasicBinding: Hardcover

Features: Bibliography, Dust Cover, Index, Table of Contents | Pages: 184


Historically, the mass media have marginalized women's sports by devoting more coverage to men's sports and trying to appeal to a male audience. This volume analyzes the mass media's portrayal of women's sports. The Olympic Games are highlighted because they provide one of the few sports arenas where women's participation is heavily covered, promoted, and celebrated. The author suggests the media are recognizing the significance of female spectatorship and are attempting to respond to this growing audience by adopting some of the rhetorical and textual characteristics of soap opera and melodrama.

Historically, the mass media have marginalized women's sports by devoting more coverage to men's sports and trying to appeal to a male audience. This volume analyzes the mass media's portrayal of women's sports. The Olympic Games are highlighted because they provide one of the few sports arenas where women's participation is heavily covered, promoted, and celebrated. The author suggests the media are recognizing the significance of female spectatorship and are attempting to respond to this growing audience by adopting some of the rhetorical and textual characteristics of soap opera and melodrama.

Subject: Pop Arts / Pop Culture
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